Nature Connection – references and resources

I’ve created a list of references for the readings we had in the Nature Connection: A Deep Listening soundbath below, along with links to online resources which may be of use.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.


“This was the pattern of my days…” (Ansell, 2012, p.44)

“There is pleasure in the pathless woods…” (Byron, 1818)

“How surely gravity’s law…” (Rilke, 1905)

“I circle around the waterfall….” (Myers, 2018, p.122)

“Soft, reflective mooing sounds….” (Baker, 2017, p.174)

“Take a walk at night…” (Oliveros, cited in O’Brien, 2016)

“I believe I now understand in some small measure” (Shepherd, 2011, p.108)


Ansell, Neil (2012). Deep Country: Five Years in the Welsh Hills. London: Penguin
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Baker, J.A. (2017). The Peregrine: 50th Anniversary Edition. London: Harper Collins
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Byron, Lord (1818). There is pleasure in the pathless woods. Poetryverse

Myers, Ben (2018). Under the Rock: The Poetry of a Place. London: Elliott and Thompson Limited
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O’Brien, Kerry (2016, 9 December). Listening as activism: the “Sonic Meditations” of Pauline Oliveros. New Yorker

Oliveros, Pauline (2005). Deep Listening: A Composer’s Sound Practice. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse
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Shepherd, Nan (2011). The Living Mountain. London: Canongate
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Rilke, Rainer Maria (1905). How surely gravity’s law. Poetry Exchange


Nature and mental health. Mind

Wellbeing through wildlife. RSPB

A-Z of mindfulness in nature. BBC Countryfile

Mental Health Awareness Week, 10-16 May 2021: Nature. Mental Health Foundation

How to start forest bathing. Forestry England


Canal and River Trust

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)

Wildlife Trusts

Woodland Trust